Led RGB DMX 512 64 Pixel Display Panels - 500mm x 500mm Full Colour LED Display Panels
Led RGB DMX 512 64 Pixel Display Wall Panels - 500mm x 500mm Full Colour LED Display Panels
LED RGB DMX 64 Pixel Display Panels Technical Data:
Product: 500x500x65mm
Material of cover: Acrylic (Milk white)
Material of base: Acrylic
Working temp.: -20 degree -- + 45 degree
Working humidity: 0-95%
Input Volt.: DC9V
Working current: 3A
MAX Power:27W
LED RGB DMX 64 Pixel Display Panels Features:
62.5mm Pitch Block Pixel Format
Run any program whatever you want
PWM output, resolution 256 grade
Bright-colored, vary in softly, and animation effect
Can run by builit-in program independently
Compatible with DMX control signal
Magnetic installation, convenient and fast
System also requires a Master Controller and Multi Power Supply for up to every 8 x 500mm x 500mm panels.